Spacing Swarm uses a 4-base grid scale. The grig provides values in intervals of 4 with a base space being defined as 16.
Size Variable Size (px) CSS Variable 0 4px --size-space-0 1 4px --size-space-1 2 8px --size-space-2 3 12px --size-space-3 4 16px --size-space-4 5 20px --size-space-5 6 24px --size-space-6 7 28px --size-space-7 8 32px --size-space-8 9 36px --size-space-9 10 40px --size-space-10 11 44px --size-space-11 12 48px --size-space-12 13 52px --size-space-13 14 56px --size-space-10 15 60px --size-space-15 16 64px --size-space-16
Swarm spacing is built into all atoms of the design system, like Buttons and Text Inputs. To assemble layouts, spacing tokens can be applied to all four edges of a DOM element, using margin and padding properties.
alert--small alert announce--small announce archive--small archive arrow-left--small arrow-left arrow-right--small arrow-right audio--small audio badge--small badge block--small block bolt--small bolt calendar--small calendar-check--small calendar-check calendar-cross--small calendar-cross calendar-plus--small calendar-plus calendar camera--small camera check--small check-circle--small check-circle check chevron-down--small chevron-down chevron-left--small chevron-left chevron-right--small chevron-right chevron-up--small chevron-up clock--small clock-arrow--small clock-arrow clock cog--small cog conversation--small conversation copy--small copy creditcard--small creditcard cross--small cross-circle--small cross-circle cross-circled--small cross-circled cross download--small download drinks--small drinks edit--small edit export--small export external-facebook external-facebookboxed external-flickr external-gmail external-instagram external-linkedin external-medium external-messenger-outlined--small external-messenger-outlined external-outlook external-tumblr external-yahoo external-youtube filter--small filter folder--small folder globe--small globe grid--small grid groups--small groups heart--small heart-outline--small heart-outline heart hide--small hide home--small home info--small info invite--small invite-filled--small invite-filled invite launch-new-window--small launch-new-window link--small link list--small list location-pin--small location-pin-filled--small location-pin-filled location-pin-slashed--small location-pin-slashed location-pin location-services--small location-services lock--small lock mail--small mail meetup-m--small meetup-m messages--small messages microphone--small microphone minus--small minus notifications--small notifications-badged--small notifications-badged notifications-mute--small notifications-mute notifications overflow--small overflow-vertical--small overflow-vertical overflow photo-album--small photo-album-add--small photo-album-add photo-album play--small play plus--small plus-circle--small plus-circle plus profile--small profile profiles--small profiles projector--small projector pulse--small pulse refresh--small refresh reply--small reply search--small search send--small send sent-messages--small sent-messages show--small show sort-direction--small sort-direction star--small star-rounded--small star-rounded star textblock--small textblock ticket--small ticket trash--small trash tune--small tune tv--small tv updates--small updates wifi--small wifi